Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Road To A Healthier Me

The thing is I'm not sure the way to get there. I don't believe there is one right or wrong way. For me it's about finding a way of living that works best for me. I love food! Not all food lol, but it is a source of pleasure for me. So I will continue to search for ways to enjoy food in a healthier way. I'm determined to reach a healthy weight and find ways to eat and prepare foods that I enjoy.

I realize that having balance in life is very important. Finding other things that bring you pleasure aside from food. I am open to exploring new experiences, new adventures that will open me up to a fuller life.

So let the journey begin

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ain't No Staircase High Enough

I'm not getting any younger and my body feels it! I was always very athletic until about 6 years ago. My body is not what it once was lol. I admit to being out of shape and I can feel it. So I am on a mission to take the necessary STEPS to get there. And I will do it one day and one step at a time.